
There's activity in the brewery again

Unfortunately, it's not Saccharomyces cerevisiae; all fermentation is still on temporary hiatus. However, I started washing bottles today—or at least soaking off their labels in ammonia. After that, they'll get a run through the dishwasher, then a bath in diluted bleach to sanitize them. Now, I just need to get something in the works to fill them....


Claudia said...

Sweet, the Cottingham Lager? CottingLager? CottingBrew? My friend also brews his own beer and brought some out last week to happy hour (yeah, um, it was that kinda party...) and it was actually quite tasty and I'm not really a beer kinda girl. Guess it just depends on the variety.

Just to be able to say you're drinking your own brew is bragging rights in itself.

Did someone say "care package"?

Craig S. Cottingham said...

"CottingBrew" is probably the most appropriate; I'm not really set up to do lagers. You need to keep them cold -- around 40 degrees F -- while they ferment, and I just don't have enough fridge space most of the time. Come winter, however, I should just be able to leave the fermenter in the garage.

I have a couple of wooden crates that my father made for shipping wine bottles as checked luggage on airplanes. I'll have to see if I can refurbish them as beer carriers before my next trip to NoVA.

First, though, I suppose I should brew something to carry in them.