
Mmm. Chinese food.


Drive-by linking: Bay View Farm

The new refrigerator just arrived. The compressor went out on the old one, and the cost to repair was going to be almost as much as a whole new fridge.

What's the first thing that comes to mind when I tell you that the new fridge has the freezer on the bottom? Everyone—and I mean that literally—so far has said, "My grandmother used to have one like that." I didn't realize our refrigerator was retro. :-)


Must be like falling off of a bicycle: you never really forget how. This still makes sense.

I picked up a primer on calculus at the library yesterday, thinking I needed to brush up on it before tackling differential equations, which I figured I needed to relearn before tackling heat transfer (specifically, the design of counterflow heat exchangers). Maybe I don't have to worry about that after all.


Now reading: Kim by Rudyard Kipling. Actually, I'm rereading it; it was originally given to me by a friend in college.


The obsession du jour is homebrewing. I just read—well, skimmed—through The Home Brewer's Companion by Charlie Papazian; it feels like it's more for people who already know what they're doing. (Actually, I'm not that lost, since (a) I have a degree in chemical engineering and (b) I like to drink beer.) I've also been reading a lot online, as well as browsing through the web sites for mail-order suppliers. Next, I think, is a visit to the nearby homebrew shop.