No, not the RIAA kind. In fact, Angela is buying songs from the iTunes Music Store while I type this.
I'm talking about the real thing. One of the books I'm currently reading is Pirates of Pensacola by Keith Thomson. It's not To Kill a Mockingbird
by any stretch of the imagination, but if anything qualifies as "light-hearted romp", this is itand it's a damn sight better than the last book set in the Caribbean
that I read. There's just something about the premisethat pirates are alive and well and flourishing, sort of, in the Caribbean that tickles my fancy.
Then, tonight we were at PetSmart buying rabbit litter when we stopped to look at the birds. I suddenly had this revelation that it would be cool to get a parrot and teach it to talk like a pirate.
That's all. Back to your regularly scheduled lives, already in progress.
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